Mar 28, 2015

Schacht...You Dropped the Ball.

Maybe you remember about a week ago I rang up Schacht to see if there was anyway to retrofit my Schacht 10-inch Cricket Loom. (see March 21 post)

I get the distinct impression that they've been asked this question a lot because they were a little bit snarky in their reply.

I had HIGH hopes based on my first phone call. The person who answered the phone was very friendly and outgoing. She promised me someone would be back with me on the next Monday. Well that Monday came and went. Then Tuesday. Then Wednesday. So I called back on Thursday. I got a different person who promised me someone would get back to me. I've heard that before.

Finally an email came in that said they had left a voice mail (which I never got) and they also said ...

"...An older style Cricket loom cannot be retro-fitted to have the gears on the outside because the measurements and loom elements of the redesign changed and will not allow this."

Well, of course, I want to know more. I wonder if you can just switch out the back bar and ratchet gears with the new one. Makes sense to I asked. And here's her response...

"I wish I could tell  you otherwise, but every element on the loom but the apron cords was redesigned. If you want the gears on the outside your best option is to get a new style loom."
Somebody hadn't had their coffee yet. Maybe she needs chocolate. But I think she sounded a little snarky.

I'm thinking about buying a new larger loom in the next few months and I have seriously been considering either the Schacht or the Ashford flip looms. Makes me wonder about the customer support offered.

I'm curious why Schacht didn't consider the owners when they realized there was a flaw in the original Cricket loom design. How hard would it have been to offer a kit to the owners to change their loom so the gears wouldn't interfere with the warp? After spending $150 on a loom then the company redesigns it because of a design flaw, it seems logical to me that the company should be considerate of all those loom owners. Not tell them they should buy a different loom if they don't like it.

That's just bad customer relations.


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