Their classes are the perfect size. And it's always been such a great group of classmates. SQUIRREL!!
This dyeing class worked with fiber reactive dyes. I'm still not sure what that means but it has lots of pretty colors!
We had an issue. A water issue. That's a problem when you're dying. A repair crew worked on it while our class persevered. Thank goodness Tracy brought jugs and jugs of water to use.
While our stuff soaked, we picked out 5-6 colors and mixed them up. I went with a sort of water theme. Navy, bright blue, purple, lime green and a violet.
Then the fun begins. Well, it had already begun but now we got down to business. We got to hand-paint our stuff. There were warps and yarn and silk hankies and lots of pretty things getting dyed. I started to soak my yarn with the dye. This can be messy. I already see things I would have done differently. It was definitely a learning experience. I was very interested in how the dye wicked into the adjacent colors. It didn't do like I thought it would. I need to do some more experimenting.
I had two skeins that I dyed the same way. I'm thinking I'll weave a scarf or something with them. The blues and purples and greens will be nice together.
The color was pretty intense and saturated. Nothing like what I had imagined. I ended up adding some yellow/gold to lighten up this VERY dark jeweled toned sopping mess I had on the table. Not sure I totally understood how this all works. It is a great hands on class...and that's how I learn the best. I only hope that this lightens up and my colors work. We're suppose to wash out our pieces 24-48 hours after we're done...I'm not going to wait. I think this is a learning moment. LOL
So, today, less than 24 hours later, I'm washing and rinsing my handpainted yarn. I have no idea what's going to happen. I might lose ALL the color. Fingers crossed! Here I go!!!
NOW.... Drum roll, please!!!
I took 2 yards of gray rayon to dye. Having no clue, again, I am going to wing it. Tracy suggests tie dyeing it. OK...sounds like a plan. I start tying it up with rubber bands and end up with a voodoo looking like doll that I'm going to drown in tons of purple and blue dyes. Bwahahahahahaa!!

I can't wait to unfurl it so it gets washed less than 24 hours later.
I. Love. It.
CHECK IT OUT!!! Those were the colors I wanted on my yarn!!! Dammit!!!
The gray is great with this.
Now...what am I going to do with it? Scarves? Pillows? My bedroom is gray but I'm not sure it will go.
I'm really pleased with how this turned out.
Overall, I really did like the class. Great hands on experience. I was exhausted and hurting before the class ended. It's hard for my neck to work bent over. Recovery is slow and steady. I'm just anxious to get back to normal. What is normal? SQUIRREL!!
It's summertime and CHH doesn't have as many classes. Guess I'll get to work on my Rock-A-Bye Blankie. The baby is due in 4 weeks and I'm only halfway done! SQUIRREL!!
Thanks, Tracy!!! Great job!!!